Assembly workshop

Motor / gear reducer / accessories assembly workshop

FIB's assembly and mounting department offers a highly qualified service in the workshop equipped for the testing of spare parts, where specialised technicians respond quickly to specific customer requests through automated assembly lines supported by state-of-the-art software.

Working together towards success

Our operators guarantee the highest level of quality and working precision both during the testing phase and during the automated assembly of the systems.

FIB and the MAC '``Motovario Assembly Centre`` qualification

For the MOTOVARIO sector, FIB has been awarded the qualification of MAC ``Motovario Assembly Centre``, and for the DINAMIC OIL sector, the title of DREAM TEAM. These certificates place a seal of quality and guarantee on the assembly and installation work carried out and have allowed FIB to be included in the world circuit of the best MAC-qualified assembly centres.

FIB: not just support, but passion and love for its work.

Why choose us we offer the best productswe are always updated we sell quality

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